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Friday, 28 October 2011

na2 7 billion people

Hi again,

As some of you may know, the world's population has just reached 7 billion people (1 billion= 1.000 millions). I just thought it'd be a good and interesting topic for discussion, I mean, are there too many of us in the planet??????

Here's a very enlightening video, a press article and a test to find out what your citizen number is.....

7 billion people bbc video
the guardian article on the effect of 7 billion people

 I was  the 4,336,070,727th person, how cool's that???? Yeah, yeah...!!!!!

what's your number??????


  1. My conclusion is that when I will be 80 years old, We wiil need a new planet to live there, or maybe built in Mars a huge storage room to keep our stuff. I don´t believe that we will have enough space for us and our things in the future.
    My number in the world is 5,339,380,632 It´s really cool!

  2. Hi,

    Fortunately, developed countries are decreasing their population, otherwise we'd exterminate the planet resources and we'd have to move out to march. I fear we wouldn't be welcome there! :)

  3. Vanesa, I'm over a billion people older than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Don´t worry Mike!!!, I´m over you, because I was the 4,052,719,328th person in the world.

  5. I always said that what a small world, but now I realize that it is false.

  6. In my opnion, there is a very worrying problem in the planet because of the increasing population,so it`s should have a solution.
    What do you think about spending more money in education in relation with the familiar planning related to the number of births?, especially,In underdeveloped countries as Etiopia.That could help to make a solution, due to underdeveloped countries are being the most births in the world.

  7. today a philippine newborn has been the number 7 billion. I am convinced that there are enough resources for everybody, but none of us can¨t argue that politicians don¨t seem very interested in solving this problem.

  8. Finally I was able to post my comment. As you can imagine new technologies aren`t my cup of tea. When I was born there were more than 4 billion people of us in the planet. Overpopulation appear to be a really serious problem in the future mainly because the bigger increase of population has been predicted in the poorer countries. It's a really tricky situation and global solutions should be taken. According with David comment I reckon that both, education and familiar planning are essential but not enough.

  9. Well, I'm really I am the 4.718.733.065 th born in the world!! That means more than 2 billion people have born after me! How will we be able to improve our quality of life in the future with so many human beings all around the world? And what will we do in Spain with our unemployment rate? I expect this huge population´s grown tends to stop.

  10. Hello, my number is 4354150690. How many of you have thought about who is older or younger than you? I did.
    the video is very easy to understand and i'm thinking on showing to my students because we've studied it a few weeks ago.
    about living in Mars, don't worry because nature can control the birth rate. Malthus wrote a book with a theory about that in 18th century. it's very interesting...
